Our services
Vi kan ekonomitjänster som redovisning och bokföring
Våra redovisningsekonomer styr upp er löpande bokföring och redovisning oavsett bransch. Det gäller större företag såväl som enskilda firmor, där våra redovisningskonsulter hittar rätt lösning för er verksamhet.
The bookkeeping and accounting can vary greatly depending on the business area and we have the right competence for your particular niche. By ordering our financial services, your accounting is in safe hands. All in accordance with the Swedish Tax Agency's current legislation, for a correct and correct accounting on your terms.
Call our authorized accounting consultants at
+46 736 22 35 65
Digital accounting and bookkeeping
We offer digital solutions for bookkeeping and accounting, which make the handling of documents much more efficient and flexible. You avoid unnecessary paper handling, in favor of flexible digital alternatives. This applies to digital handling of receipts, invoices and other documentation that is relevant to the accounting.
The advantage of having your bookkeeping and accounting digitized is that the management is considerably simplified. This with easier access, greater control, faster digital flows and minimal need for storage space. All in all, digital accounting means a smoother workflow, where the customer is allowed to focus on their core business - while we take care of the rest.
We help you with current accounting
By outsourcing your current accounting to us, you save both time and money on unnecessary tasks. Hiring trained economists is often a must for a professional administration, regardless of how big your company is. You get better control of your finances and at the same time meet all the requirements that the Swedish Tax Agency places on companies regarding accounting.
We take care of everything that has to do with current accounting, where all business events are compiled and registered at just the right time. If necessary, you are provided with detailed monthly reports that show the economic development. Getting outside help with bookkeeping and accounting is a must for companies that do not have the right skills internally. We adapt to your business, with top-class accounting and bookkeeping.
Let us take care of your accounting
Få hjälp med bokföring för bostadsrättsförening
Med våra tjänster inom bokföring får er bostadsrättsförening rätt förutsättningar för en tryggare ekonomi. Genom att ta hjälp av oss blir er styrelse avlastad från betungande pappersarbete, medan våra redovisningskonsulter tar hand om bokföringen inom er brf.
Allt enligt rådande bestämmelser inom bokföringslagen och årsredovisningslagen, som säger att bostadsrättsföreningar är bokföringsskyldiga.
Det innebär bland annat att alla affärshändelser inom er brf ska bokföras löpande, samtidigt som det måste finnas verifikationer till alla bokföringsposter. Dessutom ska en årsredovisning upprättas för varje räkenskapsår.
Med vår bokföring för brf får ni specialiserad kompetens, som underlättar förvaltningen och låter styrelsen ägna sig åt föreningens kärnverksamhet.
På så vis blir bokföringen inom bostadsrättsföreningen betydligt mer effektiv, med digitala hjälpmedel som förenklar hanteringen av uppgifter och besparar er dyrbar tid.
Internal and external accounting
We follow current regulations for external accounting, to give a fair picture of your company's financial position. External accounting must, for example, include the result during the most recent financial year. The information is for both external and internal stakeholders, such as owners, investors, lenders, the Swedish Tax Agency and other authorities. It is important that the information is correct and comprehensible, so that the accounts can be compared with previous years.
In the internal report, you receive comprehensive reports that provide all companies' stakeholders with relevant financial information. Compiling and presenting the company's internal business events is an important basis for future decisions and your way forward. Here you can, among other things, take part in the results achieved and the financial outcome. A detailed internal report is crucial for everything from budget follow-up to planning for the future.
Stop wasting precious time on accounting
Current accounting often means an unnecessary obstacle for many new players in the market. In a company, all focus is often on other parts of the business, but accounting is still a must. By starting a collaboration with us as early as possible, you get direct control over the current accounting and do not have to worry about the accounts.
Dedicate yourself to something else more productive on behalf of the company, with the certainty that your current accounting is carried out according to all the rules. With our services, you get a total overview of your current accounting. Giving our competent accounting economists the task of keeping the current accounts means security for your company. You avoid mistakes and unnecessary remarks, which can otherwise lead to boring fees.
We also give you the right tax advice
We help companies as well as individuals with all types of tax issues and tax processes. By hiring us for tax advice, you get the right competence for your particular business - regardless of need or industry.
Vårt team på 12 personer är redo att hjälpa dig!
Genom att anlita oss har du alltid kontakt med din egen personliga konsult. Vi arbetar i team om minst två personer, för att säkerställa en mycket god insyn i din verksamhet – 365 dagar om året. Ditt team består av en administrator – samt ytterligare en konsult, som tillsammans ser till att verksamheten är igång året runt, oavsett semestrar eller eventuella sjukdagar. Alla i vår personal är auktoriserade eller på väg att bli. Allt för att säkerställa kvaliteten på våra tjänster, med bred kompetens inom alla branscher och bolagsformer.