Our services
Achieve your financial goals
Ta hjälp av oss för att nå era ekonomiska mål med professionell ekonomistyrning. Våra skickliga ekonomikonsulter tar hand om ert företags ekonomi med styrning utifrån finansiell målsättning och analys. Vi följer upp budgeten och tar fram underlag för era ekonomiska beslut.
Vår ekonomistyrning banar väg för bättre resultat, med precisa budgetar och åtgärder inom de ekonomiska ramarna. Allt baserat på noggranna mätningar, kontroller och kalkyler över intäkter respektive kostnader och andra ekonomiska nyckeltal.
Med vår långa erfarenhet av ekonomistyrning kommer vi fram till effektiva åtgärder, som får hela er organisation att dra åt samma håll. Ni får full koll på företagets prestationsevaluering, utveckling med kostnadskontroll och kan agera i tid för att få verksamheten på rätt kurs, med en ekonomisk styrning av högsta kvalitet.
Call our authorized accounting consultants at
+46 736 22 35 65
What is financial management?
As the name suggests, financial management is about managing the economy so that the financial goals can be achieved within a company over a certain period of time. Central is to give the staff the conditions to be able to act in accordance with the company's objectives. It is important to involve the staff and steer them in the right direction with developed routines. These are based, for example, on the company's position, results and financial goals.
Measures in financial management can be to assess investments and other important economic events, based on the financial goals. Financial management includes budgeting and follow-up, as well as calculation and planning.
It is also important to be able to parry adversity in the event of unexpected events, in order to steer the business past sudden obstacles. For example, recessions, customers who have been declared bankrupt, illnesses, departures, new competitors or other types of crises.
Get help from our financial consultants
Maintaining a high level of expertise in finance internally is costly for many companies, regardless of size. Instead, take the help of our financial consultants, who take care of your financial management in the best way. We take on the task with new eyes and long experience, which gives a professional perspective on the organization.
In order to be able to assess how things are going for the company apart from the results, various key figures are formulated. The key figures are used for comparative purposes to set the prevailing economy against the economic goals. In this way, the business can be followed up continuously, with the right measures if the development goes in the wrong direction.
However, there is a risk of becoming too reactive, without looking at the development of the business in a broader perspective. This requires financial management with a fingertip feeling, with assessment from case to case based on, for example, key figures. Common key figures in financial management are profitability measures, financial measures and operational measures.
Motivate the staff
We manage your budgeting and financial management
Does your company need help with financial management and budgeting? We at KMSG have broad competence in financial management, which makes your organization stick to the budget. The budget is an important part of financial management, where we produce measures for, for example, revenues, costs, profitability and results. Within a company, financial management and budgeting are absolutely crucial for the set goals for the economy to be met.
We help everything from individual companies to larger companies with financial management and budgeting, with tailor-made solutions for each individual customer.
When financial management follows a well-planned budget, conditions are provided for better results. Bringing in expertise from outside with external financial management is an investment that pays off in the long run. In budgeting, our financial consultants plan your finances with control of income and expenses. You get a forecast of how your assets can be disposed of in the best way, which lays the foundation for wise decisions and measures.
By hiring our authorized accounting consultants, you get an overview of the business and can completely devote yourself to the core business.
Increase results with our business management
We help you with all forms of business management and propose the right measures depending on the industry and company form. Business management is a broader concept than financial management, which includes more factors in addition to finances and budget. Business management can be seen as an extension of financial management, where factors with measurable results are taken into account. For example, staff development, customer perspective, customer satisfaction, degree of innovation, and more.
The goal is not to put too much focus on financial results here and now, in favor of higher valuation of aspects that can take the company forward in the longer term. To motivate staff, measures other than purely financial may need to be incorporated into corporate governance - for example, value-oriented results.
Modern business management involves both managers and colleagues, so that companies' financial as well as other operational goals come closer to each individual employee.
It can be about making sure how the actual work went, instead of staring blindly at the outcome.
Difficult to achieve a balanced budget?
Hire us if you have previously had difficulty achieving a balanced budget. We give you the right tools to meet the goals, with a reliable budget and financial management based on a well-balanced strategy. For start-ups, external financial management is worth its weight in terms of everything from budgeting to planning various financial events.
Our business management uses financial models, which also take into account staff development, customer value, quality and employee perspective.
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Genom att anlita oss har du alltid kontakt med din egen personliga konsult. Vi arbetar i team om minst två personer, för att säkerställa en mycket god insyn i din verksamhet – 365 dagar om året. Ditt team består av en administrator – samt ytterligare en konsult, som tillsammans ser till att verksamheten är igång året runt, oavsett semestrar eller eventuella sjukdagar. Alla i vår personal är auktoriserade eller på väg att bli. Allt för att säkerställa kvaliteten på våra tjänster, med bred kompetens inom alla branscher och bolagsformer.